BEM Awarded to much-loved member of Bishopbriggs’ community

Provost Gillian Renwick attended an Investiture Ceremony at Clydebank Town Hall in which Bishopbriggs resident, Joyce Murray, was awarded the medal of the order ofJoyce and Lord lieutenant the British Empire.

Joyce received the award for her voluntary work with the Boys’ Brigade and for her dedication as a ‘lollipop lady’ for pupils attending Balmuildy Primary School in Bishopbriggs.  

Joyce has been a crossing patroller for 23 years – initially in Angus Avenue in Bishopbriggs, before moving to Balmuildy Road. Generations of local children have come to know Joyce over the years and she is a much-loved member of the school community.   

As well as being dedicated to ensuring the safety of local primary school aged children, Joyce has been volunteering with the 1st Glasgow Boys’ Brigade for over five decades.

She said, “Both of my brothers were in the BB and the captain asked if I would play the piano for the boys – it would only be for three weeks. That became 54 years!  I loved every minute of it – it was great.”

Joyce has a daughter, Lynn, and two grandchildren – Eilidh and Ross, who both attend Balmuildy Primary School.

Provost Renwick said, “I am absolutely delighted for Joyce, she thoroughly deserves to be recognised for her unwavering commitment to the young people of Bishopbriggs – both as a crossing patroller and as a volunteer with the BB. Joyce has spent many years encouraging generations of boys who have attended the 1st Boys’ Brigade Company to try new things, develop new skills, seek adventure and take on challenges.  As someone who enjoyed going to the Girls’ Brigade during my informative years, I know just how important people like Joyce are in helping to positively enhance the lives of young people. 

Provost Renwick continued, “Joyce’s daughter Lynn, who started the ball rolling on the BEM, is understandably very proud of her mum and it was lovely to get to know Joyce and her family at the Investiture ceremony. It is truly an honour, as Provost, to share in these momentous occasions with members of our community who go above and beyond.  On behalf of the people of East Dunbartonshire, I want to congratulate Joyce, again, for receiving this prestigious award and to thank her for all her hard work and commitment.”