Natural Environment Planning Guidance Consultation
This consultation is now closed as of 12/1/2017
This Planning Guidance is intended to support the East Dunbartonshire Local Development Plan (LDP). The relationship between the LDP and Planning Guidance is established in Scottish Government Circular 6/2013, and explained in the introduction of the guidance document.
The draft Natural Environment Planning Guidance document was approved by the Development and Regeneration Committee.
It is subject to public consultation from 1 December 2016 to 11 January 2017 - giving members of the public a chance to comment on the content of the guidance. It provides information on the biodiversity, geodiversity, landscape character and specific soils of interest in East Dunbartonshire.
It also sets out procedures on how this will be taken into account when considering development proposals.
Applicants will be encouraged to refer to this guidance at an early opportunity to consider natural environment requirements, constraints and opportunities for new developments.
How to Respond
Please make comments on the content of this draft guidance document by 11 January 2017.
Please make your comments using the:
- Online comments form [closed]
- PDF comments form, which can be downloaded from the Documents section of this page, completed and emailed/posted to the address below. You can make a number of comments on the guidance document on one form.
- Alternatively, copies of the documents are available at the Council’s Community Hubs and libraries. Paper comment forms can be posted to:
Land Planning Policy Team,
East Dunbartonshire Council,
Southbank House,
Strathkelvin Place,
Kirkintilloch G66 1XQ.
For any enquiries please:
- E-mail or
- Telephone the Land Planning Policy Team on 0300 123 4510.
Post Consultation Arrangements
Following consultation on the Planning Guidance all comments received will be reported to Council, with recommendations on whether any modifications to the guidance are required.