Closing date



The Council would like to hear from East Dunbartonshire businesses, employees and residents on your experiences of the economic impact of COVID-19.  Please tell us your views using the online survey - between 2 November and 30 November 2020.

The survey also asks for your feedback on the Economic Recovery Plan for East Dunbartonshire which is available below, along with a summary of the Plan.  The Economic Recovery Plan was produced by the Council and its Community Planning Partners to identify the key impacts of COVID-19 on our local economy and set out the actions being delivered in response.  Any responses to the survey will be considered in updating the Plan in the coming months.

The Economic Recovery Plan aims to support businesses and residents.  It sits within the context set out by the Scottish and UK Governments and is based on consideration of national and regional policies and analysis of the emerging data on the economic impact of COVID-19.  It also forms part of the Community Planning Partnership’s delivery of Local Outcome 1 of the Local Outcome Improvement Plan.  The Plan updates the 2017 Economic Development Strategy action plan, reflecting the severity of this crisis and the need to target resources.

The actions in the Economic Recovery Plan are presented under the following four priority areas:

1. Business

This section sets out actions relating to financial support and recovery of business activity.  We need to support the reopening of businesses and help businesses facing financial hardship to access available funding and advice.

2. People

This section sets out actions focused on employment and socio-economic equality.  We need to support residents facing unemployment or changed employment circumstances, and we need to provide targeted support to people in our communities who may be disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. 

3. Community

This section sets out actions for regeneration and local investment.  We need to prioritise the right projects to invest in and empower our communities.

4. Environment

This section sets out actions promoting environmental sustainability and making our economy more resilient for the future.  We need to ensure that progress continues to be made towards net zero emissions, encourage economic development within sustainable sectors and help our local businesses to build resilience through use of new technology and ways of working.


Take the Survey [now closed]