A803 Stage 2 – Public Consultation

** This consultation closed on 21 April 2024. Thanks to everyone who read the StoryMap, completed the survey, got in touch or attended the drop-in session.

All responses and feedback are being collated and analysed. For more information, visit the City Deal section of the website (link opens in new window). **

Residents, businesses and groups are being invited to have their say on a busy route through Bishopbriggs and North Glasgow.Aerial image of the A803 in Bishopbriggs

The A803 Corridor Improvements Project is an element of the Council's £34.88 million Place and Growth Programme - supported by £15 million each from the UK and Scottish Governments through the Glasgow City Region City Deal.

The project – which also involves Glasgow City Council and Strathclyde Partnership for Transport – aims to create active travel links and prioritise buses to better connect key retail, regeneration, health and education locations.

In 2022, the Council consulted on the key issues and opportunities for the route, and initial options have been prepared in conjunction with design and consultancy specialists Arcadis.

We want to hear the views of communities served by the corridor to ensure the project develops in line with the needs of residents and businesses.


Find out more information and have your say via the StoryMap (survey now closed)


Consultation is open from Monday 11 March to Sunday 21 April 2024. Please take 10 minutes to check out the StoryMap (link opens in new window) and get involved.

In addition, a drop-in event will take place on Thursday 21 March at Bishopbriggs War Memorial Hall – Balmuildy Road, G64 3BS – between 1pm and 7pm. It's an opportunity for people to view shortlisted options and ask questions.

Meetings are also taking place with key stakeholders and local accessibility groups.

All feedback received will be used to help inform the final design. If you have any queries, please contact the project team by email – citydeal@eastdunbarton.gov.uk

* You can download a PDF with maps of each of the options from the Documents section of this website or select an option below:

Please note, each of the PDFs contains a series of maps which form one continuous route from north to south - two to a page, side by side - across 10 pages. Each option corresponds to information in the StoryMap.