Common Housing Register
East Dunbartonshire's Common Housing Register (CHR) is a combined single social housing list for the 15 Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) in this area. They all have access to information on each others housing stock.
You can register with all the participating landlords using one CHR application form. Once processed, your details are forwarded to any of these landlords who have properties which match your housing needs. The 15 landlords have their own allocation policies and although the CHR Form will register your interest in each of their housing, they may have to then contact you directly for further information in line with their allocation policy.
Social housing is in short supply and the CHR approach helps us to better estimate the housing need in this area. It gives us a better understanding of the true demand, from first-time applicants and existing tenants who are looking for a transfer.
East Dunbartonshire CHP Landlords:
- East Dunbartonshire Council
- Caledonia Housing Association
- Bield Housing Association
- Cairn Housing Association
- Crown Housing Association
- Cube Housing Association
- Hanover Housing Association
- Key Housing Association
- Link Housing Association
- Lorretto Housing Association
- Margaret Blackwood HA
- Sanctuary Housing Association
- Trust Housing Association
- Castlerock Edinvar Housing Association
If you need further information, please contact the Housing Policy Team
Mutual exchange or house swap
If you are a Council tenant and want to be re-housed, you can apply for a transfer to another property. Your application for a transfer will be considered under the Council’s Allocations Policy.
A 'mutual exchange' is where you can exchange your house with another tenant. You should use the Home Swapper website [opens in a new window] to make a mutual exchange application. You will need your landlord's permission before exchanging properties and their more information in the Mutual Exchange Guidance.
You have the right to exchange your home with another East Dunbartonshire tenant, or with the tenant of another qualifying landlord. You can print off and complete a mutual exchange request which must be signed and returned to one of our offices.