Economic Recovery Plan

Economic Recovery Plan 2021

The East Dunbartonshire Economic Recovery Plan sets out actions to support local businesses and residents through the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.  It sits within the context set out by the Scottish and UK Governments and is based on consideration of national and regional policies and analysis of the emerging data on the economic impact of COVID-19. 

The Economic Recovery Plan also forms part of the Community Planning Partnership’s delivery of Local Outcome 1 of the Local Outcome Improvement Plan.  It updates the 2017 Economic Development Strategy action plan, reflecting the severity of this crisis and the need to target resources.

Economic Recovery Plan Cover containing images of buildings in east dunbartonshire on a plant background

What is in the Plan?

The Economic Recovery Plan investigates the impacts of COVID-19 on East Dunbartonshire’s economy in order to establish the key economic recovery issues, which are then addressed in actions presented under the following four priority areas:

  1. Business: actions relating to financial support and recovery of business activity.
  2. People: actions focused on employment and socio-economic equality.
  3. Community: actions for regeneration and local investment.
  4. Environment: actions promoting environmental sustainability alongside economic resilience.


COVID-19 Economic Impacts Survey and Updates to the plan

A previous version of the Economic Recovery Plan was completed in August 2020 and approved at Council on 1st October 2020 with the understanding that it was designed to be reviewed and updated as more information on the unfolding economic crisis became available.  As part of this information gathering process a public survey was undertaken in November 2020 to gain feedback on the Plan and find out how businesses and people who live and/or work in East Dunbartonshire have experienced the economic impacts of COVID-19.

The COVID-19 Economic Impacts Survey was available online from 2nd to 30th of November 2020.  The purpose of this short consultation period was to attempt to capture a snapshot of the experiences of East Dunbartonshire’s residents and businesses following the first UK lockdown and during ongoing restrictions related to the pandemic.

The results of the Survey can be found in the Report of the Consultation, which explains the survey methodology and methods of publicity, followed by the findings for each of the respondent groups (Businesses, Residents and Employees/Non-residents) and a summary of comments received by topic. 

The actions included in the August 2020 version of the ERP align with the data collected in the survey and the issues highlighted in the written responses.  Some central themes which were identified as priorities were: Business Support; Employment; Town Centres; and Transport.