Appendix 5: Options appraisal Analysis

Options Appraisal

What is an ‘Options Appraisal’ and why do we undertake an Options Appraisal?

An Options Appraisal is a way of ensuring that you maximise the chances of securing the strategic objectives by identifying the most appropriate set of
actions or outcomes

An Options Appraisal provides the opportunity to help the HSCP and its key stakeholders make an informed and evidence based decision on how to deliver
social support for older people. It does this by considering the relative advantages and disadvantages of a number of different delivery model options
(including the current way in which the service is delivered).

The methodology assists the HSCP and its key stakeholders to consider the relative desirability, viability and feasibility of the different options, and to
explore if there are:

  • Better ways to achieve the vision and objectives
  • Better ways to align to the HSCP’s strategic priorities
  • Better ways to use the resources available
  • Better ways to achieve the desired outcomes

The Options Appraisal can provide a clear outcome by identifying the preferred model of delivery which can then be developed in greater detail in a
Commissioning Delivery Plan (if determined the service should be purchased) and/or a Service Development Plan, if the preferred model is in-house
provision. The process engages the key stakeholders and identifies the priorities for their perspectives. Whilst the Options Appraisal is important in
assisting to identify the preferred option, the HSCP and its key stakeholders will not necessarily resolve all of the questions at this stage.

The HSCP and its stakeholders, in considering the desirability, viability and feasibility, needs to consider whether:

  • each option meets the strategic objectives and priorities of the stakeholders;
  • each option is financially viable and sustainable;
  • and the degree to which each option can be implemented within budget, resources and timescales.

By following these themes, the HSCP and its stakeholders can reach a final recommendation about the preferred delivery model. The actions required to
implement the preferred model will be captured in the Commissioning Delivery Plan and/or Service Development Plan.

The Options

Each of the options were considered using the following criteria:


  • Promotes the objectives of the HSCP and its stakeholders
  • Helps older people to enjoy opportunities for social and peer support in their local communities
  • Promotes integrated working


  • Delivers value for money
  • Allows funding to be invested in promoting community led support for older people
  • Aligns with market conditions
  • Allows services/groups to develop and access external funding


  • Can be implemented within required tolerances (i.e. budget, time etc.)
  • Allows HSCP to manage reputational risk
  • Allows HSCP and its partners to discharge relevant statutory functions
  • Exposes the HSCP to risk of challenge

The factors within each of the three criteria categories were given a weighting score and each option assessed against these categories.

The Options considered in the appraisal:

  1. The provision of three formal Day Centres for Older People, as per existing provision; 
    In partnership with third sector partners, promoting and supporting existing community led support assets; 
    In partnership with third sector partners, promoting and support the development of new community led support assets, exploring funding opportunities to aid establishment.

  2. The provision of two formal Day Centres for Older People, one in the West locality and another in the East locality, with opportunities for
    outreach support;
    Establishment of two new large community led support groups with access to formal support, one in the West locality and another in the East
    Employment of a development worker for one year to support the BAME community to develop locally based peer support groups;
    In partnership with third sector partners, promoting and supporting existing community led support assets;
    In partnership with third sector partners, establishing an annual grant fund to support the development and establishment of new community
    led assets, whilst providing support to explore funding opportunities to aid sustainment.
  3. The provision of one large formal Day Centre for Older People;
    Establishment of two new large community led support groups with access to formal support, one in the West locality and another in the East
    Employment of a development worker for one year to support the BAME community to develop locally based peer support groups;
    In partnership with third sector partners, promoting and supporting existing community led support assets;
    In partnership with third sector partners, establishing an annual grant fund to support the development and establishment of new community
    led assets, whilst providing support to explore funding opportunities to aid sustainment. 

Options Appraisal Scoring:

Criteria/Options Desirability Viability Feasibility Total
Maximum Score Available 216 216 216 648
Option 1 142 52 188 382
Option 2 208 196 170 574
Option 3 196 176 88 460